Dramione reunion fanfiction ron bashing. Devastated, Hermione moves on with her life, until she runs into an old rival-turned-friend, and falls in love. Dramione reunion fanfiction ron bashing

 Devastated, Hermione moves on with her life, until she runs into an old rival-turned-friend, and falls in loveDramione reunion fanfiction ron bashing

hogwarts has its 16 year reunion and Harry and Ron return from leaving without a goodbye. Founder: ChilekotharSepaii - Stories: 54 - Followers: 272 - id: 124365. This is set in a universe where the war never happened. It starts in Goblet of Fire and finally picks up around the time Lily is starting Hogwarts. Granger Family Reunion (Dramione) by Jasmine. Join. He will be taught how to live like the muggles do by the one person he ha. " NO! RON!" Ron didn't care. Chapter 1Ten years after the end of the war, a reunion is held to reunite old friends and allies. Following a nasty falling out with her friends years earlier, Hermione Granger isn't at all keen on attending her school reunion. Hermione hasn't met Harry or Ron or any of her friends for 15 years. Hermione disappeared from the lives of the golden trio and their families, but after 15 years Hogwarts will be throwing a reunion, what happens when Hermione doesn't com. Ten years after the end of the war, a reunion is held to reunite old friends and allies. The two Gryffindors had been studying for their upcoming exams, but for the last half hour they had just been chatting and laughing together. Their differences aside, they have one thing in common, both are smitten with the other. She looked over and saw a Gorgeous White Owl constantly. Towards the end of sixth year, Hermione and Draco started going out. So, if you ship Harmony and don't like Ron then this place is just for you. Chapter 1: The reunion. After that incident, Hermione and Draco went public. The Engagement Unknown. He lived with his unloving relatives in Surrey. "Go eat Lavender's food, for all I care!" Both Harry and Ron stared after her, and then Ron shrugged and dove in. If it's about the wedding we don't have to do that. It is 5 chapters long and updates will be daily. I used to sorta like Draco, and respect Hermione but the fandom kinda ruined both characters for me. Devastated, Hermione moves on with her life, until she runs. "I don't know. This time, she had been invited to Hogwarts to speak to the students, not about the war, no, but about her career, how she had ended up where she was - on a glowing path to becoming the. Answer (1 of 25): Not really. Cream de la cream of dramione Stats: Published: 2020-11-13 Completed: 2021-02-12 Words: 78,615 Chapters:. Mystery story set in the same universe as Femme Fatale. they were alone, oh so alone. Sometimes to be free, you must hide. ago. Many others wonder if after a decade in hiding, the Gryffindor Princess will return to Hogwarts once again. And in those Harry and Ron are bashed. HarryRon Slash. It's Dramione - Ron's borderline abusive, and a heads up: it can be a triggering story if you're triggered easily! 2. Out of desperation to save his mother and himself, Draco seeks help from an unlikely source to escape Voldemort's clutches: Hermione Granger. Draco ends up with Neville. - Chapters: 2. Reunion - Dramione by Lyra <33. "Good," Ron said, approvingly. Two against one was not a fair fight. Electricity/text compatible universe. After the war Draco and Hermione had celebrated, they were together when Ron. Plus, Dramione fanfics. All the Hermione and Draco love, hate, fluff, and angst you could ever want. They never approve of her dates and she's decided to try and beat them at their own game. By:. Viktor's strength outmatched him easily. A/N – Welcome to my new short reunion story. " Hermione said slowly, choosing her words carefully. Ron-bashing Nineteen years ago, Hermione Granger was dating Ronald Weasley. "No way are we letting you get to Hermione, you slimy ferret", yelled Ron. Just a small series of one-shots concerning how Hermione met Draco, thereby starting the Dramione craze. Ron Weasley Bashing; Evil Ron Weasley; Death Eater Ron Weasley; Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD; Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con; Sexual Assault; Harry. How? By inviting Draco Malfoy to join their holiday with free reign to 'be himself. Hermione was talking to Malfoy. The Action - R rated action romp. , Draco M. Focus: Books Harry Potter, Since: 05-15-16. Every eye turned to the source of the outburst, just in time to see Hermione hit her, presumably, now ex-boyfriend with a particularly virulent acne hex. Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Drama. The cut was about 12 inches long and he made sure he cut slowly. Now we find you just liked the power that came with being our friend. The invitation was for Hogwarts ten year reunion. This subreddit is dedicated to artwork, fanfiction, memes and discussions involving the romantic pairing of Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger from the Harry Potter series. 5M 43. Deaf-A Harry Potter story by Lissy. # 1. We want different things Ron, even you can't deny that. Ron secretly despised the four-eyed wizard. A Re-Do fic. Someone in their graduating year had organised for. R&R Enjoy! Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,755 - Reviews: 25 - Favs: 454 - Follows: 138 - Published: 1/31/2013 - Hermione G. He smirked. This castle held so many memories for her. Hermione had to tell her about her marital situation and her children, but swore her to secrecy until the reunion. Follow/Fav Hogwarts Reunion One Shot. When Harry receives his invitation, he immediately wonders if a certain Gryffindor Princess will be there. boyxboy. However, it stands out as a "Ron-bashing' fic to me. Hermione hasn't met Harry or Ron or any of her friends for 15 years. The night before their first anniversary, Hermione catches Ron cheating on her. The three boys stayed on their seats still stunned to see their old best friend. The story is awesome anyway. Even though the evidence is right in front of us!" Ron hissed. Draco Malfoy has been sentenced to spend an entire year in the muggle world, without his magic. EWE. Ron holds his now red face in his hand and looks at me shocked. Ron is all set to ask Hermione out after months having separated, but when he and Harry visit, they find out that Hermione has been keeping secrets. Harry was genuinely pleased to see that they were married, and they could live a happy life together. short story Hermione attends a Ministry gala with Harry and Ginny after a recent breakup with Ron, and after running into Draco Malfoy her night begins to ta. Independent/Grey Harry-full potential Harry. A/N: Randomly thought of this. Ron and Ginny refused to become friends with any Malfoy. Directly after the end of the great Wizarding War, Hermione Granger disappeared. 15 years after the war Ron and Harry get a giant shock from Hermione. HOGWARTS REUNION STORY WARNING: Ron-bashing Nineteen years ago, Hermione Granger was dating Ronald Weasley. . Follow . Oh how she loved to be back. , Hermione G. when they come back to hogwarts, they find out that they're both head boy and head girl. "RONALD WEASLEY!" I shout reminding myself of Molly Weasley. He took the glass shard and cut her leg. deamus; ronweasley. Dumbledore, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny bashing! Don't like Slash, then please refrain from reading. With six years of no contact, how will her former friends react to the changes in the her life?A Mad Reunion ️. . Two boys and one girl. . Bashing Ron in Harmony. September 1, 2012. Sitting in her plush penthouse apartment that overlooked the river, a glass of chilled wine in her hand, Hermione Granger gazed down at the golden edged invitation that sat on the glass coffee table. Hi, this is my first fanfic so I would. He held it in his hand like a dagger and ran towards Hermione. Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Romance/Family - Draco M. - Words: 1,452 - Reviews: 2 - Favs: 87 -. I'm not opposed to enemies becoming lovers, but I am opposed to indifference turning into love. 2. A short Dramione. When Harry receives his invitation, he immediately wonders if a certain Gryffindor Princess will. + -. Turncoat by elizaye on FFN. Inside was a picture of her, Harry, and Ron from the summer before the war. Sort by: Hot. A fluffy little romance, with an edge, that has some twists and turns. Dramione slow build up. Hermione shakes her head. Timeline: Post-Hogwarts/Post-War Published:. " Ron was. 4K 61. Disclaimer: J. Even his two children had never been able to. , Hermione G. "So, what's Weasely doing her, Granger?" He asked, his tone languid. Created Mar 14, 2011. Not sure how long it'll be, it'll definitely have some lemons for those who enjoy that, little bit of Ron bashing but most Dramiones have that anyway. 6. Hilarious reactions. Completed. Ron Weasley Bashing; Ron can't take a hint; Friendship; Humor; Hogwarts Class Reunions; Reunions; fight and make up; Summary. Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter. Hermione returns to school as a Malfoy and even after a decade it seems Ron doesn't get over it. As soon as the pair saw Ron, Malfoy's hand jumped to Hermione's. A community for the Harry/Hermione lovers. 299K 4. Where will it lead?. It had been a birthday gift from him right after she turned eighteen. A/N: The war was building in fifth year, but instead of sending Harry to the Hall of Prophecies, Voldemort went himself and fell through the vail when Aurors were alerted to the breach and attacked. Hermione and Ron had broken up three years after the war because Ron cheated on her with Lavender. Hogwarts Reunion. "Malfoy, you cannot touch our Hermione", Harry chimed in. Dramione One Shot. dracoandhermione. Blaise cried as he and Daphne rushed towards their friend. It was a memento from the past; a past Hermione was finally putting behind her. Harry and Ron are main characters in this story along with Draco and Hermione, but the paring is 100 percent Dramione. She shot up in bed as she finally realized the noise was coming from her window. Following their kiss during the final battle, Hermione had made. Also Her Beauty in the Moonlight is probably the most Ron-bashing fic I’ve ever read— the entire plot revolves around the fact that he’s been secretly dosing her with love potions. Everyone was happy in their own little way. He also knew – unfortunately – how happy Harry was, with his perfect little family and perfect little life. Alone and with 11 year old twins about to start Hogwarts, what will Hermione make of her life? When Ginny drags her to a night club, what will Hermione do when she remembers dancing with a certain blonde? Heartbreak, betrayal, hope, lust, confusion, Ron bashing. Hermione sighed and stood up, pacing back and forth. Harry dies and gets sent back to the past to change the future he was in. Harry Potter and Future's Past by DriftWood1965 reviews. However, with her husband and new friends at her side she faces her past head on when she attends the reunion. Now, they have an unexpected reunion. Hermione hasn't met Harry or Ron or any of her friends for 15 years. Side Pairings: Harry/Ginny, Ron/OC Characters: Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Original Character, Ginny Weasley, Neville Longbottom . 2K Stories. Fanfiction. Share. 1. The Truth Shall Set You Free By: Rohata. What will they discover about her life, and can the trio. I also don't love Draco or Hermione very much. , Hermione G. The Truth Shall Set You Free, a harry potter fanfic | FanFiction. Summary – There are some cliché Dramione plots which get repeated every three seconds. Hermione and Draco only told Harry and he kept it a secret. 8K 39. Sort by: Hot. " "Hermione, I don't care. As Harry, Giiny and Ron, steeped away from Hermione allowing her access to avada Malfoy, which, in their opinion, was a great idea. Seeing this and having heard the argument that sparked it, Fred and George silently cast a spell on the ground Ron was sitting on, turning it into a mud-pit nearly a foot deep and making the unfortunate redhead sink in quickly. However, a shocking revelation makes the event a reunion to remember. Pansy’s Revenge - Rated T, 26 chapters - An angry 12 year old Pansy gets her revenge on Draco and. Ron was cheating on her. Dramione. Slash fic. So let the Anti-dramione fests begin. Mean.